Don’t just choose an engineer,
choose a LIVIC Guide.

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(noun) | /’livik gīd/
A responsive, resourceful, humble and thorough problem solver with the drive and grit to stay one step ahead, while having a little fun along the way.

why have a guide?

In life, you hire a guide when you want to be successful but you know you need help to make that happen. You want to know the obstacles in your way and how they will impact you. A great guide achieves this through effective research, planning, identifying challenges, and timely execution to set and meet your project expectations. Our goal is to know what you need before you know you need it. There are plenty of obstacles on your project journey, so we aim to not become one more of them.

why we do it

Our team of Guides thrives on challenges and love to learn and explore new opportunities. We’re all guides at heart and take pride in sharing our skills and knowledge to help others be successful.

how we do it

Serving as Guides, we aim to deliver your expected results even in light of the unexpected. You hire a guide to know that everything is covered and rely on their experience to put you in a position to be successful.

What are some traits of a LIVIC Guide?

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think ahead

Recognize and evaluate potential problems before they develop.

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Set expectations

Clarify the challenges and convey honest budgets and realistic timelines.

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learn from experience

Refine processes and adapt to client preferences and needs.

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be responsive

Assure information gaps and delays are avoided through routine follow-up, quick turnaround and timely solutions.

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build networks

Cultivate relationships with regulatory reviewers and top industry professionals for your benefit.

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have fun

Motivated people enjoy their work, and passionate people leave an impression on others they interact with.