We're hiring!

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This job is NOT for you if:

  • You are mediocre, lazy or uninspiring

  • You embrace corporate hierarchy

  • You love being undervalued

  • You take the easy way out

  • You spell team with an “I”… or “ME”

  • You handle constructive criticism poorly

  • You communicate like a rock and/or stump

On the other hand, if you’ve got so much skill it’s falling out of your pockets and would rather become an all-star in a small, dynamic and ambitious team, your world is about to change. And change is inspiring and rewarding, so don’t let it hold you back!

Here at LIVIC Civil, we have cool people, cool projects, cool clients, and a cool opportunity waiting for you. Each project is an adventure, and we are looking for another trustworthy adventure seeker. Some of us have beards, but no one is all that scary. We like to work hard and get better each day. No one is babysitting you here, so you'd better not fall apart under a little pressure.

If you can use AutoCAD or learn it in a jiffy, we’re ready to offer you more than a full-time job. Our profession calls this role “entry-level,” but that’s irrelevant to us if you’re willing to learn. Indulge that voice in your head that craves something more. Your future in civil engineering awaits!

If you think you've got what it takes, you can email your resume to jobs@livicco.com or apply here: https://bit.ly/2tC2Dg8

Project management software


If you were hiring LIVIC to design a project over several months, wouldn't you want easy access to the latest updates? We thought so. That's why we offer the convenience of a great project management software with all of our jobs.

So what's the point of this software?

Well, it does a lot for our team and our clients.

At the most basic level, we use it to monitor dates for projects, major milestones like submission deadlines and meeting dates. But we also track smaller tasks, things that tend to slip through the cracks.

We are committed to taking care of every detail for our clients and want you to know what’s happening every step of the way. To make that happen, we can customize your experience with this software based on the amount of communication you want by setting up custom notifications, assigning tasks to specific people, sharing comments, and linking to documents.

Gone are the days where you have to wonder about the status of things like:

  • Was the application sent to the landowner for signature?
  • Did my civil engineering team coordinate plan recording requirements with the courthouse?
  • What the heck is going on with the coordination of the various utilities in our project?

And it gets even better. Seriously.

Each project can be shared with any number of people, so you get up-to-the-minute, real-time tracking that can be accessed anywhere at any time. You're along with us at every step of the way to better forecast the delivery and outcome of your project. And, you can ask questions and add notes from within the software to keep everyone on the same page. 

Complex permitting and fast-paced projects are a challenge even when everything goes right, so let us handle the details for your next project to help keep things on track. Now you’ll be able to see how we’re making things happen for you every step of the way!