LIVIC’s newest addition to your UAV fleet is DJI’s latest evolution to its flagship drone platform, the Matrice 350 RTK paired with the Zenmuse L2 High-Precision Aerial LiDAR System. The M350RTK can receive real-time-kinematic (RTK) corrections from our GPS base units for precise survey grade location of the UAV, eliminating the need to set ground control points (and thus saving time!). The UAV has an approximate flight time of 55 minutes per battery set, 6-Directional sensing & positioning for obstacle avoidance, an IP55 rating and a night-vision FPV camera. However, we will not be operating during inclement weather or at night, as we are not permitted to do so.
In addition, the M350RTK supports a single downward gimbal, dual downward gimbals and an upward gimbal and we have the capability to swap out the payload with multiple, different DJI and third-party payloads (additional toys not included). This will allow the M350RTK to be flexible and adapt to future project needs. The Zenmuse L2 is comprised of a LiDAR module and a High-Accuracy IMU to achieve cm accuracy and a 20mp mapping camera for RGB values and for the creation of Orthomosaics. The LiDAR module can launch 240,000 lasers a second with up to 5 returns per laser, thereby enabling it to penetrate dense vegetation.
All the outstanding features on this new tool will help our Survey crew to be much more time-efficient and cost-effective, leading to more jobs completed within much shorter time frames! What may have taken our Survey Team a week or more in the field before may now only take a few hours!